Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Looking for Winners!!

A Personal Invitation For You To Join Our Organization, Making Qivana History!

Do you want to be in control of your financial future? Are you “hungry” and willing to work to achieve wealth, freedom and security for yourself and your loved ones? Are you tired of working full time, or more!, making someone else money?
Or do you look for any excuse NOT to succeed?

I’m being direct with you because the Company we are about to present possesses a wealth of experience in the network marketing industry that is second to none. Their history reads like a Who’s Who of network marketing powerhouses: NuSkin, Tahitian Noni International, Usana and XanGo. Have you heard of them? Of course you have! Why? Because they experienced a high rate of success for their partners, or, for those of us who understand the lingo, their IBO's, Independent Business Owners.

What if you could have been there at the beginning of those companies? Would you have made significant income? Now is your chance. 

Qivana understands the necessary components to build a successful company that empowers Independent Business Owners to take control of their lives to create their own destinies. And it is this understanding and experience that make Qivana so exciting.

Qivana will change lives, inspire leadership, and create wealth and freedom for thousands around the globe. But we cannot make up your mind for you. We cannot give you drive, ambition, and confidence. What we can give you are the FACTS. You must act for yourself.

Qivana delivers the highest-quality products in the industry. Working in conjunction with renowned naturopathic physician Dr. Marcus Laux. Qivana delivers products composed of the world’s greatest botanicals, ALL validated by modern science and extensive research. Dr. Laux has spent the last 20 years travelling to all ends of the earth to find the most effective therapies nature has to offer. Invest just a few minutes of your time to research the patented products, dynamic compensation plan, and world-class leadership and support. I guarantee you will sense the potential… your potential!

But it’s up to you to TAKE ACTION and TAKE CONTROL! Thousands of hungry entrepreneurs just like you have made the decision NOT to be a victim of the economy and have secured their positions in the Matrix.  All it takes is that first step to get yourself on your road to independence. Take control of your financial future.

So don’t spend the rest of your life WISHING for money… take steps TODAY to create the Prosperity and the Life you deserve!

The choice is yours. Visit

Here's to living happier, healthier & longer!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

About the Products - Step Two - Qore Essentials

Once your body has been stabilized with Qore™ Probiotic, you can begin to strengthen and energize it with Qore™ Essentials, a daily blend of Asian herbs designed to help you reach your biogenetic potential.

The Three main ingredients are:

  1. **The Crown Herb (Gynostemma Pentaphyllum) aka The Immortality Herb
  2. Chinese Skullcap
  3. White Korean Ginseng
**The Crown Herb was found in a particular region of China where the people were living to be a very old age.

Yes, really.

Until recently it was a locally known herb used primarily in regions of southern China. It is described by the local inhabitants as the immortality herb, because people within Guizhou Province, where jiaogulan tea is drunk regularly, are said have a history of living to a very old age.

Each of these herbs fall into a rare class know as adaptogens; a category reserved only for those herbs who have been proven to help the body respond to various stresses put upon it.

English, please? you say....

What this means is that the herbs support YOUR body in the way that YOUR body needs it. Everyone gets different benefits from taking the Essentials. I have seen people whose joints no longer ache. I have talked to people whose blood pressure has been regulated and cholesterol. NO, it is NOT a miracle drug. BUT, I have heard some really impressive testimonials. And, I am currently tracking my progress as an insulin-dependent diabetic. My blood sugars have come down & come down, by the 40th day, I am taking 25% less insulin than I was taking. Yes, really. It is claimed that adaptogenic herbs are distinct from other substances in their ability to balance endocrine hormones. Diabetes is an endocrine hormone problem. I can't help but say "no wonder!" and, grin from ear to ear.

Curious? Feel free to visit my website: Qivana by Layla

Everyone has different problems. So, an adoptogen helps your body solve your problems.

Skeptic? I know. I was too.
Do yourself a favor and watch these videos. 

Qore Essentials uses the Crown Herb, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum.
In traditional Chinese medicine, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum is an herb of extreme versatility and has earned the name "the immortality herb." In China it is known as Xiancao, Jiaogulan or Qi Ye Dan; in Japan as Amachzauru; in Thailand as Baan Ja Kahn and is known in English as the Crown Herb™ or the Immortality Herb™.

Qore Essentials also uses Chinese Skullcap, considered one of the top 50 fundamental Chinese herbs, to help support liver function and the body’s natural anti-inflammatory responses.

Qore Essentials combines both of these powerful ingredients with White Korean Ginseng to support strength and overall stamina.

These botanicals have an extensively documented history, dating back for centuries, but most importantly have had their efficacy validated in well over a THOUSAND recent scientific papers by some of the best research institutions in the world.The synergistic benefits of this proprietary blend will vitalize your system and allow you to live the life you were meant to live.


• Promotes energy and protects against fatigue
• Helps your body maintain healthy cholesterol levels that are within a normal range
• Supports healthy liver and immune function
• Supports healthy cardiovascular function
• Maintains the metabolic functions of the body
• A host of other benefits, what can it do for you?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Once again, here is my website. You can order a sample, contact me to ask questions, take advantage of the business opportunity, or get yourself started on your road to improving your health, the natural way! Qivana by Layla

Here's to living happier, healthier & longer!